07 February 2013

Hair loss in children under 2

Locks thinning, or hair loss, isn't just a problem for adults. Locks thinning in kids is responsible for an estimated 3% of children visits to the doctor in the U.S. Whether your kid has thinning hair or distinct hairless spots, the hair reduction can be frightening. The great thing is that, with a proper analysis, most situations of hair reduction can be treated successfully. Alopecia is common between children sometimes.

Medical Causes of Locks Decrease in Children

For the majority of kids 26 months or older suffering hair reduction, one of the following circumstances is the cause. Your kid's doctor or a childrens skin specialist should be able to identify these circumstances and recommend the appropriate therapy.

Tinea capitis. Tinea capitis, commonly known as ringworm of the go, is a infection often seen in kids. It can show up in various ways, but often as scaly areas of hair reduction on the go. The areas are usually circular or square. The hair may be damaged off at the epidermis and look like black spots on the go.

If your kid's doctor thinks tinea capitis, a microscopic examination can confirm the analysis. Treatment usually involves an oral anti-fungal, such as griseofulvin taken by mouth for eight several weeks. Your kid should also use an anti-fungal hair shampoo such as selenium sulfide or ketoconazole to decrease shedding of the fungus.

Because ringworm is infected, your kid should be careful not to share any objects that touch the go such as caps, pillow situations, hair trimmers, or brushes.

Alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is a non-contagious condition of hair reduction thought to be due to the body's defense mechanisms fighting the hair follicles. It is recognized by the sudden appearance of circular or square areas of hair reduction. The areas are smooth or smooth, without climbing or damaged hair. About 25% of kids also have ugly pitting and ridging of the nails.

While there is no cure for hair loss areata, therapy can control the illness in some kids. Many have their go of hair returning within a year, although growth is unforeseen and many will experience hair reduction again. For about 5% of kids the illness moves along to hair loss totalis -- lack of all of the hair on the go. Some of these will develop hair loss universalis -- a total lack of hair.

For younger kids, therapy consists primarily of strong corticosteroid creams or creams used to the hairless areas. Youngsters, who may be sufficiently motivated to have their go of hair return, may tolerate anabolic steroid injections into the go. Minoxidil (Rogaine) is often used in additional to topical anabolic steroid therapy. Anthralin used to the epidermis for a few months and then cleaned off may also be used. Locks growth may come returning in 8-12 several weeks.

Trichotillomania. Trichotillomania is hair reduction due to the kid pulling, pulling, rotating, or massaging his or her hair. The hair reduction is blotchy and recognized by damaged hair of varying length. Patches are typically seen on the side of the kid's prominent hand.

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